About the Journal

Aims & Scope
The Interventionalist Journal is a peer-reviewed open access medical journal for scientific works on image guided and interventional procedures. Aiming to be an effective resource for medical scholars, we accept submissions from any discipline whose work is related to image guided or interventional procedures, including radiology, vascular surgery, interventional pulmonology, neurointerventional, interventional nephrology, informatics, medical technologies and others.

Publication Mode and Frequency
The Interventionalist Journal is an open access medical journal which will be made available online in electronic format at its website and/or author’s sites or other sites. The hardcopy will only be printed upon request. Articles will be published 4 times a year (March, June, September, and December).

Open Access Policy
The Interventionalist Journal is an Open Access publication that completely complies with the The Effect of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). It has adopted the BOAI policy of free availability on the public internet, permitting its users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purposes, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inherent to accessing the internet itself. The only restriction on reproduction and distribution, and the only role of copyright in this field, is to allow authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. Refer to: The Effect of Budapest Open Access Initiative 

Digital Archive
The articles published in The Interventionalist Journal, will be assigned with digital object identifier for online publication by Crossref, a multilingual European Registration Agency for DOI. Articles published will also be archived at MyJurnal by Citation and Infometrics Center, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.

Articles submitted to The Interventionalist Journal will be licensed under CC BY-SA.

The Interventionalist Journal uses plagiarism detection software on all submissions. Articles are expected to have <25% similarity index.

The Interventionalist Journal is published by:
Longe Medikal Sdn Bhd (1209979-W)
Level 2, Co9P Medical Technology Centre,
TIC I, UPM-MTDC Technology Centre,
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,

Bibliographic Details
The Interventionalist Journal
Journal Abbreviation: TIJ
e-ISSN: 2785-8944
DOI: 10.32896

Peer-reviewed Model
Articles submitted to The Interventionalist Journal, will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers before any decision for publication is made. It will be a double-blind review, in which the reviewers and authors are anonymous to each other. Refer to: Peer Review Statement

Copy-editing, Proofreading, Typesetting, and Referencing Style;
All articles published in The Interventionalist Journalmust be written clearly in English.

All references cited in the text of articles must appear in the reference list. Citations and references in article submitted to The Interventionalist Journal, must adhere to the format of Vancouver referencing style.

Types of Article
There will be 5 types of article and will be adjusted accordingly when necessary;

  1. Letter to editor
  2. Original article
  3. Review article
  4. Case Series/Report
  5. Clinical Image

Article Processing Charges (APC)
Currently there is no article processing charges (APC) imposed once the manuscript is accepted for publication.